Friday, January 29, 2016


I wasn't picked to have today off. I lost to a coin toss. It didn't matter. 

My 401k lost $6000 over two weeks, but it is slowly getting back on track. I had nothing to do with this. It's only money. 

I needed tires for my car, so I have to skimp for a month. Whatever. My car will handle better.

I've been eating healthier, but. The weight  is coming off slowly. I feel better for trying, and have more energy.

I don't drink as much alcohol. It feels really good to feel real good. 
Even though being drunk is one of my favorite feel goods, I can still feel good without it. 
It's all Guinness or wine for me. 

I try to write down positive things I see and hear about, quotes and small stories.
There are only a few, but they were other people's exercises in tolerance and patience. 

These things are a culmination of this month's work to level out and calm the hell down. 

The combination of cutting down on drinking and eating better, have paid off in spades. 

If you aren't well mentally, nothing else will be well either. 

That is why I stand tall now, and walk with my chin up.