Saturday, October 24, 2015

Our friend, and official 10 Clark #2 greeter, Smiegel, died on October21st.

She had become more and more reclusive over the past three months. She had a feeding on the 19thif crickets. I guess that was her last meal. 

Welp, she was a lizard. She is buried at the base of a tree in our yard, to feed it.
 I think she was 13 years old. Which is old. For a gecko.
I posted this in 2011:

I won't forget taking her out and petting her chin, until her eyes closed in joy. Or saying 'hi' to her whenever i came home.

Having turned off her red heat lamp,and not coming home to it's warming glow, made me feel her absence all the more.  

About her service: i read a nice poem, we wrapped Smiegel in a red napkin and drew a heart on it. Elsie put a flower in with her and threw some dirt, said goodbye. The poem took us all back a bit. We were all teary eyed and had closure. 


Thursday, October 8, 2015


No, i do now know the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.

Gifts obtained on my birthday:

iPhone 6S.  I faithfully kept our iPhone fours running for three years.  It was time.

New web belt.  my other one was over 10 years old and fraying.

.357 Magnum hot sauce.  It is pure evil.

A giant hand carved wooden spoon.  For cooking.

The Sprawl trilogy by William Gibson.  I read through these in 1993.  Can't wait to jack back in.

Time to hang out with Terri and Elsie, cook good food and drink good drinks.

Yay 42.