Wednesday, April 10, 2013

(90) more days.

today was ninety more days of me not drinking.  it was part of my 30/60/90 plan to follow, to make sure i am in the clear of wanting to use alcohol.

it worked (again.)

i have given my self permission to feel how i want to, to not transgress my emotions or viewpoint or  reality as i have perceived it as of late, and it paid off in spades.

having a semblance of self control has given me a window into a world that i had long forgotten and  it has aided me in making more rational decisions based on actual criteria instead of instinct.

i have used this new tool, to come out ahead on situations, to sway a disagreement or to challenge an ideal.

with that, i have also re learned tact.

as a newly tactful person. my peers-especially at my workplace- have come to me with their queries, problems and just to share a laugh.  this connection would not have been in place if i was still inside a bottle and i guess that is what i am grateful for the most, as far as my emotional maturity is concerned.

i leave you now with a simple promise.  i promise that i will listen to you when you talk to me now.  i promise that i will be attentive to your feelings as well as my own, and i mostly promise that the good me is back and is really happy to be here again to share in living and laughing.

i don't want to write (90) more days ever again...

..unless it's something like '90 more days until elsie is back from the ISS working on a warp converter.'

...or 'ninety more days until my band plays Wembley Stadium again.'

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