Just for the record, i DID NOT drive a bomb loaded crappy forklift off of a dock.
Last week was the anniversary of the twelfth year that i have spent, under my current company's employ.
The day went by with me forgetting this fact, and it's the way i wanted it.
BUT i must digress.
I have done as much growing as the company i work for has. I have rebelled against everything they shoved my way, grew to appreciate the fact that i have a job, where i work in a great building and with a great crew of people.
I started the job in the middle part of 1999 after a bitter break up in Boston. My idea was to come back to the valley and spend a month or two off, then maybe work for one of the cafes or restaurants in Northampton. My brother was already working for the same company i'd join, so i decided that it'd be better to work for a greater wage and not wash dishes and maybe become a prep cook.
I ended up starting as a temp and proved my self worthy of full time, so in August of 1999 i was a full time stock handler.
I wasn't the best employee by any standard. I had a chip on my shoulder and thought i was too cool for everyone due to my extra curricular activities. Basically, for the first five years of employment i was always on warning for something or other and a general pain in most of my managers asses.
It wasn't until i ended up in offsite that i came into my own. Our offsite buildings are less stocked with people, so the those of us that are in offsite, are bigger links in a smaller chain.
I ended up learning a LOT more in the past five years than in the first.
I was 'promoted' in 2008 to work in a closer offsite to the main distribution center in Deerfield.
It was my self and one other worker, during second shift.
Things worked out really well, and we have a great working relationship, even when we took on other people and now have a crew of six full time employees and four temps.
I have processed huge orders going into the millions of dollars. I have loaded and unloaded hundreds of trailers and containers. I have moves hundreds of millions of dollars worth of product and have been in charge of millions of dollars worth of merchandise with little or no supervision, sometimes.
Pretty cool huh?
Looking back over the past twelve years brings back many great moments: Meeting friends and hanging out after work, the stock handler parties we'd put on, going out en masse to Amherst or Northampton, joking around with everyone (which still happens on a daily basis), the cookouts my manager has every once in a while,working in the lab, making new product, the long hours that ended up sustaining my crazy life outside of the job, and the work that we put in every day to help the brand be it's best.
There are two types of workers anywhere: the one's that are there for the love of the product, and those that are there for money. I am of the latter but sometimes i like to hear from people that the like our product. I like to see them talk about their favorite fragrance, or when will we get a certain fragrance back?
Shit, the place is getting to me...
...i think i'll stay here for a while longer, maybe try to become a supervisor some day and then spend the last couple of years working on a machine or something. I don't know.
I couldn't predict the future back in 1999 when my rent was handed to me by my girlfriend of three years and i was told to go, but I've learned a LOT since then and have become very wise to almost anything that has been thrown my way.
Anyway, thanks for reading this and i hope you are doing fine.
**************BABY NEWS!********************BABY NEWS!*************************
Elsie had the hiccups in the womb last night. Terri tells me it felt very weird.
Everything is on track with Elise. She is doing well and Terri is handling everything with her enduring grace.
We went through everything from the baby shower and WOW, i can't say enough about how nice it was and how cool everyone was. Thanks again!
We were able to buy a new stroller for Elsie. It's super cool and super safe. I can't wait to rock the block with it while i am walking Jackson.
Elsie's nursery is coming together quite nicely. We used two coats of primer, two coats of paint and i had to scrape the ceiling. It is a nice, subtle lavender for Eslie to enjoy. Terri's dad helped put in the cieling light, Terri's uncle Ray put the rug in and then the following week, Walter, Terri's step father, put the crib together.
On Saturday, Pad and I put the baby's dresser together....by the way: screw you IKEA!
We only have a month to go until E-Day.
As usual: stay tuned.