Monday, August 1, 2011

Ruby: the young and the restless.

As ramshackle as this picture is, it was taken on the days after we moved to the 10 Clark. As you can see, Ruby is helping us unpack.
Ruby. The fighter, the kneader, the little booger bean.
Ruby was born at our last residence. Our landlords cat had a litter of kittens and she was a shy, gray puffball. She seemed to be a very reserved and extremely shy kitten. Little did we know that Ruby was just biding her time to unleash her inner demon.
She is a super affectionate kittie. This past year she became a little woman. I attached my self to her after losing Pepe and she became my other little girl. She doesn't take any of Jackson's nonsense either. As much as Lily shuns Jackson, Ruby will give him a swat on the nose when he's being pushy.
The reason i love her so much is her attitude. When she wants something she will go ahead and grab it. Her love of plastic knows no end.
She is very outgoing and willing to try new things. I love the fact that she came out of her shell and became a little woman.
I could go without her claws digging into my stomach when she wants affection but look at her; she's a dreamboat!
So here's to you, Ruby. For helping me heal from loss and for being such a spunky and endearing pet.

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