it started on sunday in the evening. terri and i dined on some take away and i suddenly felt really tired. i fell asleep for two hours and had vivid dreams. when i awoke, i was delirious and thirsty.
the evenings sleep was fraught with massive amounts of sweating and chills. i awoke on monday and knew i was sick, but soldiered on to work.
i spent last night at home, drinking kefir and mineral water. i developed a rasp in my lungs that is really loud when i breathe and i have been coughing a bit.
today i had really bad diarrhea and almost got sick a few times. but i managedto go to work and haul my pale face into my duties. it's all about the money and i don't have nay sick tome to use.
as i write this, my face feels as though it may melt off and my stomach sounds like a broken tuba.
i know it wasn't something i'd eaten, and i know it isn't from over work or stress. it's just the common flu, and it found it's way into my home sooner than i would've liked.
as you are probably doing this next few days, i am also going to travel to see family and friends. i hope they understand my trepidation in not getting too close or even making contact. i haven't even been able to hold or kiss elsie since sunday in fear of infection. i just wait until the next time the flu acts up and wants to exit my body.
one funny thing: my appetite is still in good shape. i have kept it pretty light, but at the same time i am still eating as i usually do.
i just want this to go away so i can feel some sense of normality before the holiday onslaught rushes over me with it's foul tide.
a few other things:
black friday- you are not what you own. stop being a consumer whore and remember what this time of year is really for: friends and family.
phone: i purchased an iphone 3G S, mostly for photos and updates from elsie. if you don't have my number, email me. i'm sure my address is somewhere on my profile.
music: godflesh, scorn, faith no more, infest, new hoax ep, psudoku.
i go feel bad now.
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