my co worker had a mountain dew with 'MW3' plastered all over it.
i hope that everyone who bought the game, gets stuck on a level, and ends up with shattered flat screen television parts all over their mom's basement.
i have never been a fan of logos. it takes me a LOT of confidence in something to wear it on my person. when i see a band that really gets it, i'll fly their flag. i was a huge hunter s. thompson fan, so i still covet the gonzo t-shirt i purchased.
my new favorite shirt has been the $5 black soccer shirt that reads 'brasil' in the country's flags colors.
the reason i bought it? i liked the colors.
but do i really own these things, or do they own me?
by showing off to the world that i like these things, does it make me more engaging or more interesting? when i tried a new soda or energy drink, am i suddenly more hip or current?
if any of you know me, i am not those things. i have never given a flying shit about what anyone thinks of me, let alone what i wear.
i don't try to rave or wait in line for a fucking GAME and never will. don't believe the hype.
what ever you get today that is new will be old tomorrow, so bow out of the game and find your own stuff.
besides, i'll leave the fashion sense up to terri. she is way better at it than i and pulls it off with a grace and beauty unknown by many.
besides, i'll leave the fashion sense up to terri. she is way better at it than i and pulls it off with a grace and beauty unknown by many.
so, MW3: bad.
crass commercialism: bad.
used t shirts: good.
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