this picture on the left was taken when terri was hanging out with her our friend kristen. it pretty much sums up how elsie has been developing over the past two months. i said before that she went through a growth spurt, but as time goes on, she has been suprizing terri and i more and more with her abilities.
first of all, she is at the level of a four month old, even though this is her two month period. terri has been working diligently every day while i am at work, to help her associate more. i have a little jealousy in me about this, as i return home and don't get the same, but i'm sure if the roles were reversed, it would be the same.
i am so happy that i have a healthy and calm child. i have heard horror stories about colic, allergies, problems with breastfeeding and general malaise that i am subconsciously knocking on wood that we have been so lucky.
the first time we gave elsie a bath, she was calm. the first time i was honored to bottle feed her, she was calm. when the cat scratched her face, she cried twice and went back to feeding. we are dealing with one tough cookie here. again, i feel so happy at elsie's fortitude.
except for today.
elsie showed us just how brave she was and how strong we are to protect her.
today she had her two month round of shots. yes, shots.
there were three in all. right in the thighs.
i am not going to get into the schematics of what she was given, but it looked better on paper more than when the needle came out.
to back up a little, i feel that these things are a necessary evil. a few moments of discomfort are worth the pain to avoid what could be a lifetime of trouble. i, personally, will be getting a flu shot for the next eighteen years just for the privilege of having elsie in my life, which is well worth it in my arena.
anyway, i kept reminding terri of that fact, and she told me she was going to cry. i knew i had the fortitude to use reason and science, but when the first needle came out i said 'OH GOD!' and my eyes started to well up. the first needle went in as we were cooing and helping her and she cried like i have never heard. she was so helpless but had to take it, her tiny world was turned upside down. who would do this to her? why in hell would those who loved her so much, give her so much pain? i was two breaths short of jacking the nurse against the wall and telling her, 'if you harm my daughter again, i'll stick you in the eye with this needle.' BUT the eleven o'clock news has been aired and you would've heard of it by now.
instead, i shared the pain that elsie felt with terri and we both cried together. it was a moment i haven't felt since the operating room where the c-section happened.
it may seem weird that terri and i were reunited through this, but i'm going to let this one slide and not put too much into it.
and to let you know, elsie cried for about a minute and a half and was suckling quietly. i sent a message to terri asking how 'my girls' were and the picture she sent me-not an hour past the needles- was of elsie smiling.
that made my day in spades and i just had to share the experience with you, dear reader.
right now, terri and elsie are in the bedroom sleeping as i continue my battle against insomnia.
and if i stated anything earlier about not having enough time with my daughter: there are plenty of adventures we will both go on and plenty of times we will be in awe of each other, so i'll dig deep and try to be patient. that's one thing that elsie taught me today for being so brave that she has become my hero.