I am loathe to deny you any request and i'm happy when a flood of emails threatens the entire internets, so here is what happens to me every day:
7:00AM- I awaken when Terri does and usually go to the bathroom, then go back to bed to either watch television until I fall back to sleep, read, or stare at the ceiling until I nod back out.
9:30-10:00AM- I awaken with a powerful thirst for coffee. I put on pajama bottoms, think about what I am going to wear today and what I am going to forage for.
I turn on the computer an begin the four step process of grinding and making my coffee. The smell of the fresh coffee always ensues with how do we say my 'morning glory' and I head to the Thomas J for some quality time.
11:00-11:45AM- I surf the internets, read other blogs, check out the Yahoos and the laughingsquid.com's. i also try to put together thoughts or ruminations that may or may not become a blog. On Fridays I will usually upload yesterdays Cd's to the iTunes/iPod.
11:50-12:10PM- I let out Jackson and cleanse my self, getting rid of the sweat and Chinese dust from the container I helped unload the night before.
12:20-1:00PM- I will have kenneled the dog, made some kind of half-assed dinner and dressed, shaved, brushed by now. I will pour the rest of the coffee into a travel mug, selected the days iPod musics and head out he door to battle in traffic with this state's notoriously bad drivers.
1:10-1:30PM- I arrive at work and will either sit in my car to have lunch or sit in the break room at the warehouse while gestating. i will scan the WORST newspaper ever-The Recorder-to see what kind of crap is happening in the next county nearest to mine. I will feel better about my self because of how much I've made fun of the paper.
2:00PM-4:30PM- We break for lunch until 4:50PM. i will eat either a snack or a full meal. It depends on how hard I worked in the past two plus one half hours. I will also complete the daily puzzles in The Retarder.
4:50-7:30PM- We break for dinner at 7:30PM an I will eat again. Now I become restless because there is nothing to read and the book I've been picking through (Clive barker's Sacrament) is too engaging to scan for twenty minutes. I start to make fun of our youngest co worker for being from Franklin county. I tell him Greenfield is the Chicopee of Franklin County.
7:30-10:00PM-Toil, Toil, Toil.
10:00-11:00PM- since I don't drink, I usually end up at Stop and Shop to pick up a movie and a snack. I will also buy some fruit for the next days meals. I have always loved to go grocery shopping and still marvel at the abundance and variety of choices.
11:00-3:00AM- I will either read and listen to records, watch a movie and/or television or use the internets. Programs of choice lately: Portlandia, Southland, Parks & Recreation, Bizarre Foods, Good Eats, Futurama, Louie. I HATE commercials, so I try to find these shows on the internets.
3:00-7:00AM- I pass out on the couch and/ or bed after fighting with the dog to get him into the kennel.
A rousing trip through the life of my self. Now that I look through what I have written, I really need to incorporate some other stuff in my life. Like the bass that is gathering dust or the weight bench that is now a clothes rack.
Thanks for reading this and if you did, I am sorry for wasting your day.
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