Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Eye Exam.

I had my eyes examined today.  

This was the first time it was professionally done, and cost me a whopping $10 with a copay. 

The easy part was reading the charts, getting the three different machines in place and trying to not look as i was told to look straight ahead.  

Both the technicians were really nice, and tolerated my immature curiosity and questions, which made up for the eye drops. 

The first drops were numbing.  That was so the excruciating dilation drops could come next.  

They did not hurt when applied, but the next fifteen minutes became rather bothersome, to say the least.

have taken various 'substances' in the past that led to dilation of my pupils for a large amount of time, usually during the evening hours. 

Today, it was around ten in the morning and everything had a weird aura around it.  The pain was slow and throbbing, like a distant drum beat in a car that will soon pass by.

dealt with this for four hours and had to wear sunglasses around the house. I wanted a pair of those granny terminator glasses- and even asked- but those are saved for cataract patients. 

It was as though my focus was wide open and yet whitewashed out by a broken light filter. 

After all was said and fine, i found my self NOT in need of glasses for my nearsighted eyes.

What the optician- who was really cool- gave me was neat as hell.

She gave me a prescription for glasses that expires two years from now.

This means, when i do choose to get the glasses, i have the time to play around with it.

Funny as hell fact:  pretty much everyone on both sides of my family has glasses.

I guess i lucked out?

Here's a picture of my daughter:

We spent part of Saturday making sounds on my keyboard and bass.  She was having such a great time. 
Tonight she had artichokes again- one of her favorites.  
I'm so proud of how open minded and willing she is about trying new things. 

Sounds:  Devo, Front 242, Paul Simon. 

Visuals:  Dexter, Primal Grill, Charlotte's Web, Idiocracy. 


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