How, may you ask?
Here's how:
1) the ability to utilize an assortment of functions to gain knowledge and understanding.
I now have the ability to almost instantly discover, correct, edit and relearn anything at the touch of a finger.
Through applications, I have gazed at the stars, learning conversational Italian, and am learning how to cope with depression. All of this is for free-or the price I pay for this. I have uploaded books by Poe, Vonnegut, and others. I have discovered and spurned the reddits, and succumbed to the memes. I can see Elsie growing even when I am at work and can share her growth with those I love. I can' T say that I wasn't t sceptical of this iPhones, I can say that all of the flashiness and hype was a bit of a turn off, but I have to say that this is one of the better things I' be ever agreed to participate in. It really changed my life in msny ways. I am typing this with said phone. I could be in a park, in a hot air balloon, or on a bear rug in front of a fire, but I am here and wanted to contribute this to my blog, my Corner of the interweaves.
Thank you mr iPhones, rest easy.
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