Thursday, October 6, 2011

Proudest moments.

Sorry for the sloppy lay out of this post, but you get the picture...or pictures.
These are pictures of my mom and dad with Elsie. I cannot tell you how it made me feel to see both of my parents not only holding my daughter but their grandchild. It was an overwhelming feeling of joy and elation as well as pride.
I feel that i am the luckiest son on the planet, and was overjoyed to have both my mom and dad in my home as well as my step father Peter, who was at my place when my mom got to hold Elsie for the first time, and the wonderful gifts that my step mother, Barbara helped find for Elsie.
The warmth that has melted my heart is a gift the little Elsie gave to me the moment i first heard her cry to when i look over and see her string here and there.
It was rough to go back to work tonight BUT, every penny i earn goes to the family, even if today, i turned 38.
We had a small celebration last night. Jackson is in Whately for the next week on vacation as Terri is flying solo with Elsie as i work.
As we ate and talked about time and age, i mentioned that i finally feel as though i can call my self a man. Which is a pretty intense thing to admit to.
but i'm ready to be a dad, a man and i could have only done it with the wisdom that my parents have bestowed upon me in their conventional and unconventional ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS--she's a little beauty and you're already shaping up to be a great dad!