I have had an analog four track since a co worker sold it to me when he declared bankruptcy back in 2000.
I have hours and hours of music rotting on 1/4 inch tapes. I would like to join the digital age...on my terms.
I was actually looking for an cheap, easy to use digital four track. I loathe to do this because creating music digitally seems like trying to get any emotion from a Vulcan.
But, everyone is doing it.
I was able to get a sweet 'bonus digital music production, editing and podcasting software suite' for the grand total of $40 for the unit and software.
Not bad for the kid, eh?
I was happier at the fact that what paid for this marvel of technology was the disability check I received for my dish washing wound, for $55.
I am also very happy to report that I can convert my' rare' LP's to digital for my ipod usage.
Last Friday was a good day.
Now you are wondering what the heck this has to do with a baby registry. If you don't know what it is, it's not a place where you register your baby, like the DMV. It is where you register for things FOR your baby for a baby shower.
It's going to be an exciting day for Terri, our moms and Elsie.
My god, I need to get into the baby marketing racket, because there was so much...STUFF!
Here are some highlights from our three hour adventure:
I didn't know a baby could claw it's eyes out from it's wee nails, but now we might be getting mittens and safety clippers.
I was given the awesome responsibility of holding the scanner and scan/delete things.
Some strollers need an advanced mechanical engineering degree to fold up and unfold.
Electric breast pumps scare me.
Unbeknownst to me, Terri's nesting instinct had planned for literally NOTHING that I thought was cool, but I scanned a few things when she went to the bathroom.
We are painting the baby's room lavender. I was informed many times that lavender is NOT purple.
I have to move my giant Hunter S. Thompson placard out of the baby's room.
You cannot survive on an Odwalla bar and a blackberry IZZE soda for too long when confronted by the sheer logistical magnitude of registering for a baby.
I swear some of the play sets for babies, were designed by Nazis.
Or at least priced by them.
Every baby in ads is perfect, and has a perfect life.
Listen; I just want my daughter to be happy. I understand the need for these things and I completely understand and think it's cool that you can register and hope for the best but it kind of took the magic of having little Elsie away a bit. I might be a bit old fashioned, but to me less is more. I don't want to load her down with a lot of stuff she is going to grow out of in a blink of an eyes. I'd rather be sitting with her reading or listening to music. I'm sure she'd like groups like: Behemoth, Deicide, Satyricon, Morbid Angel, powerblessings and Cannibal Corpse!
But you know I am just kidding.
I actually found a cool collection of folk children's songs that was made by the Smithsonian. It only cost me $1.50 and it's really good. Or the other Cd I bought was of some Brazilian lounge music. Again, $1.50. Perfect for a baby.
Anyway, my whole world of music has opened up wide and it just gives me one more thing to look forward to besides having a baby.
As I sit here sipping on some sweet tea, watching the words come slowly but surely, I feel that I am in the right place and this is the right time.
photo: product photo from online sale site.
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