The allergy gods have spited me once again.
Every morning over the past two weeks, i spend an hour in an itchy-eyed, stuffy whirlwind.
There seems to be no escape in sight!
But the cavalry does come in tow forms:
1) Each day the rotten crap outside dries up and the trees stop trying to mate, is one day less of this hell.
2) Loratadine.
As depicted in the image to the left, I went all the way to Russia to score some. Which isn't true at all.
I will have to give this wonder drug an a++ in the effective test. It really works and doesn't make me feel homicidal like Benadryl did.
It's been a half hour since I took 10mg of Loratadine and i'm already not itchy and my nose isn't as plugged up.
One thing that sucks is when a person loses or has half their sense of smell, they also have half their sense of taste. I love to cook and especially love eating, so it's been a bit of a drag.
In other news:
IT'S MOTHER'S DAY. Call your mom, she misses you.
Yesterday I went to a plant sale at the Vocational High School and was part of a bizarre right of passage called 'the picking of the plants.' I know very little of plants. My favorite kind of plant is the jade. It looks like it was made on the set of the original Star Trek. There were lots of people at said plant sale and they are not like me. It's some kind of down home countrified scene. There was even a quilt raffle!
In all fairness I scored two 'New Guinea Impatiens' as my patients was running out.
I would honestly like to get into making a garden, and I even managed to get two habanero peppers out of the six plants I planted at my last apartment.
Welp, now I am being forced by the mother to be verbally to get my ass in gear.
And I just was told that i'm re-potting the impatiens.
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