Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Due to the fact, that the information is already out there, before it shows up on you. You only co opt most content second hand, and try to make it your own. 

Due to the fact, that you get fake 'karma' points for finding that information first, and then everyone gives their much needed nod of approval and/or disapproval. 

Due to the fact that there are barely ANY actual DISCUSSIONS and only either 100% agreement or vice cersa.

Due to the fact that instead of bringing the best out in us, you have only allowed bullies, trolls and immature anonymous sycophants to rule the roost.

Due to the fact that the average user needs information bestowed upon them on a silver platter, for them to peck over or raise a nose to, like a spoiled prince. 

Reddit, you and i are no longer friends.

You were smaller and more fun over four years ago, when i met you.

I'm sorry, but you've become way to big for your britches. 

Best of luck, handing out gold stars when good things happen, and the same when you beed to hand out pacifiers to all the self centered brats, who make up a vast percentage of your user base.