Our friend, and official 10 Clark #2 greeter, Smiegel, died on October21st.
She had become more and more reclusive over the past three months. She had a feeding on the 19thif crickets. I guess that was her last meal.
Welp, she was a lizard. She is buried at the base of a tree in our yard, to feed it.
I think she was 13 years old. Which is old. For a gecko.
I posted this in 2011:
I won't forget taking her out and petting her chin, until her eyes closed in joy. Or saying 'hi' to her whenever i came home.
Having turned off her red heat lamp,and not coming home to it's warming glow, made me feel her absence all the more.
About her service: i read a nice poem, we wrapped Smiegel in a red napkin and drew a heart on it. Elsie put a flower in with her and threw some dirt, said goodbye. The poem took us all back a bit. We were all teary eyed and had closure.