Guilty pleasure out if context with my personality #1: I love the television show 'Diners Drive Ins & Dives.'
Why do i need to buy hard cider, when i can just add apple cider to my beer?
Health care sucks now. I would literally pay more, if they went back to my HCP taking care of everything.
If you aren't using Firefox as your browser: you are missing out.
I tried wordpress, because i wanted to cut ties with the googles, but it's like 'Jeremy: The Blog!' Here, i can remain anonymous-ish, as though i have a corner office in the basement.
I am still a wide eyed child. I get excited like a child over things. If you outgrew this, you lose.
Dear tweny somethings: ( )
'Blunt Talk' is Patrick Stewart's best work in years.
My newest way of dealing with someone who is complaining or whining is silence, followed by an idea or positive inflection.
It works like a charm, especially when the offender looks like a peeing dog.
I am starting to make music again, on my own terms. The project is called: Futurestorms.
Guilty pleasure out of context with my personality #2: I love weddings.
Skinny Puppy- a band that has veen on my radar since '88, is a frequent pre and post work soundscape, that i love.
Elsie an I went on another hike today. I love to hit the trail with her, and have engaged in what i hope is a lifeling passion for herself and i. She loves the woods, and has gotten me iff my tuckus.
If you have time, sit in a bathroom with the lights off. It is so quiet and calming.
It's my daily five minute re charge.
I used to hate the transition into fall/ winter. I now see it as a change for the better. Time to make music, catch up in my video game pile and bundle up.
Guilty pleasure the is out of context with my personality #3: i love birthday parties.
I have the solution to some of life's little problems: shut up and deal with it.
Obligatory Elsie picture: