Above is a picture of Elsie on her way to preschool for the first time. This was yesterday. It was a Tuesday.
She was very well behaved and attentive, albeit a little over eager.
Right now, i am on my second day of observation of her class.
I am sitting at a long counter behind a one way mirror, looking over a room full of preschoolers and their wares.
Terri and i spent the entire 2 hours and 45 minutes here yesterday.
I am spending the final hour here today, before i release Elsie into the staff's more than capable hands.
I am not going to lie: i am here because i aldready miss Elsie and am having trouble detaching myself from the 3 plus years we spent mornings together.
But this will be the last of it, as i will only come to puck her up and shuttle her to her grandparents homes, while i go to work.
This is Elsie's time to learn and to develop.
And in some ways it is mine too.