At 10:07 am EST i turned forty years old today.
I am currently writing in my living room, Terri and Elsie are asleep on the couch as the end credits to Where The Wild Things Are roll.
We are being lazy today. I want to ease into the next half of my life with ease and i want to be better with the things i do.
That is my goal. Well, that and raising my kid, being a good man to Terri, maintaining my job and trying to ease my self back into music.
I would rush into things, gobble them up, and spit them out too quickly in my past. Endeavors that i could've really appreciated, ended up falling to they wayside.
I am not begrudging my self of anything. Today and last night were especially dear times and i felt complete being amongst my closest friends.
I wanted to keep this short. Forty is a milestone.
But it's also just a number.