Anyway, after a wonderful easter meal at my mom's house with Terri, Elsie, Elsie-her great grandmother, Edna-her great great aunt and her grandfather Peter, i decided to go home while Terri and Elsie went to visit more relatives while i would clean a little and start our own dinner.
I went to the local bodega to buy some milk, sent a text on my iphone to Terri that i purchased said milk, and went inside.
i needed to do laundry, and hastily took off my clothes as well as the small pile in the hamper, and started the wash.
I thought i'd give my friend hargis a call. since we dropped our land line and are saving $40 a month in doing so, i went for my trusty and very addictive iphone....but where did i put it? It's not down in the car as i sent the message to Terri about the milk purchase, it wasn't on the bookshelf in the hall, on the kitchen table, not was it on my bureau....OH MOTHER OF GOD!!!!
The washing machine had just started scrubbing my work worn clothing and i slammed the top door open, halting the wash and looked in. I pulled the blue jeans i was wearing out, splattering water everywhere, and then i looked in to see my fairly new iphone sitting in about six inches of water, i yanked it out and it was full of water, the screen looked like an aquarium. The best thing i could do was to let it sit right side up, while i desperately tried to figure out what i would do next. I ended up flinging most of the water out with my wrist and just gave up.
Flash forward to today, and i had already planned on going to the phone store to either trade the thing in for another (iphone 4!?!) and just for giggles i turned the mostly dry phone on to find it working!
Well, almost.
It immediately rebooted so i didn't touch it until the very useless clerk at the cell phone place 'put some air through it' and handed the phone back to me and told me to not use it for another day. He even managed to call himself on a landline with my phone in front of me. I went outside and immediately the thing rebooted and i'd had no service until i came home and connected to our wifi.
It immediately rebooted so i didn't touch it until the very useless clerk at the cell phone place 'put some air through it' and handed the phone back to me and told me to not use it for another day. He even managed to call himself on a landline with my phone in front of me. I went outside and immediately the thing rebooted and i'd had no service until i came home and connected to our wifi.
I'm going back tomorrow, because Terri is swapping her upgrade with mine, which is in June.
So, what is the moral of this story?
Trying to keep on top of things is great, but you can easily mess up everything if your only means of communication goes down. This phone is the only way that i am able to keep on top of some things and without it i was screwed.
What i need to do from now on, is make sure when i am home is have the thing in one specific place so that this does not go down again.
Fuck that.
Thank you for listening to my first world problem.