i just had to share this:
tomorrow at work, through an EMAIL, the head of our department is mandating an NO EMAIL day.
yes, a NO EMAIL DAY.
read it again...no communications via email so we can 'enhance person to person communication.'
i understand the meaning of this at the base level...but we are a billion dollar company with thousands of employees, a good number of whom have email, and not some start up operation.
so, her's a few things i find wrong with this idea:
1) the IT department at my job will become flooded with other departments calls wondering why they can't get through to our department...BECAUSE OUR DEPARTMENT HEAD DIDN'T TELL ANY OTHER DEPARTMENTS WE WERE DOING THIS.
he wanted us to copy any auto reply message letting the other departments know what we were doing and to call our extension or see the person they needed to talk to.
i can say that my email will be up and running tomorrow, irregardless. i am such a rebel. hahaha.
2) I WORK A MILE AWAY FROM MY DEPARTMENT'S MAIN BUILDING. so how in the hell am i going to update anyone on the status of anything? how am i going to have to remain on hold, while i wait in line for someone to answer?
3) the already overtaxed paging system at the main building, will literally unplug itself and quit.
4) he's doing this EVERY friday until the end of the quarter. Yes. FRIDAY. the day when A LOT of emails go out-especially on 2nd shift-SO PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO ON MONDAY!
I am honestly losing my grip with the job. i can't stand the backwoods mentality of most of the management. there is a huge wall of related people that have rutted themselves into power positions THAT DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. they just plod along and kiss every higher ups ass because they are too stupid to do anything in a different manner. they have created a rift with anyone below them and most treat the common employee like a serf.
this is a prime example of a really bad and not very well thought out idea that will only set things back and not let us move forward, as we should be doing.
i guess i'd better shut up now and keep my head down.. ____years is_____ years. i've had my dreams crushed by this job, narrowly avoided depression and alcoholism, had a psychiatrist actually tell me 'it's no you, it's your job' and even though i've risen above in my personal life, i have NOTHING to show for as far as my career.
sometimes it's hard to leave the personality at home and vice versa. i try to keep the two separate as much as possible to maintain that balance BUT i thought i'd type this one out for you to see, just to have a taste of the madness.
i'll send you an email from work tomorrow to tell you how i'm doing.... HAHAHAHAHAHA.
the last word: i am in no way afraid of change. this was an immediate decision on the department head's part and does not reflect of the few good people that work under the tyrants fist as the glue that holds our department together. i am in no way trying to be a bad egg here, i am trying to be objective...so you can't fire me now, because i wrote this disclaimer at the end of the rant. HAHAHAHAHAHA