This is the funniest thing:
I went to my mechanic in Hatfield (about four miles from downtown 'hamp) for a routine oil change at 0:900 last Thursday. I had also mentioned a grinding noise in my brakes and had them check out the front driver's side. As i flipped through copies of Consumer Reports and listened to classical music in their waiting room, the diagnosis wasn't good. I needed a new wheel bearing instead of a cleaning of my brakes, which I thought was the root of the noise.
The cost of that, a tire rotation and an oil change was a little over $300.
I have been working really hard and saving as much as I can for when the baby comes. I have been sacrificing and going without so that she may be a little more comfortable. And now I have to pay out and put even more money into my late model Subaru.
So, they have to keep it overnight as I would be late for work if i waited. No biggie. They use Enterprise car rentals and pay half the charge for each day. If you remember, i only had to pay a total of $30 for that yellow hippie mobile I rented for two days back in January or February.
So what did I get from the car rental gods this time?
A fucking massive Dodge 1500 pick up truck.
The thing was a behemoth to drive, sucked gas down like a pig and was generally a menace to everything around it.
The pros and cons were the same for the behemoth: it was HUGE.
Some notes:
The damn thing was very easy to drive, due to it's independent front suspension.
I was towering over everything around me.
I felt like an all american douche bag who is inadvertently aiding terrorism by wasting so much fuel to look 'badass.'
The acceleration was great, it went from standstill to 'i'm going to tear the tar off the road' with ease.
The brakes were a bit spongy and i found my self misjudging the distance to which i was supposed to start braking and ended up on people's ass more than once.
In honor of all american excess, i ate a cheeseburger and fries in the behemoth, but i didn't throw the bag out of the window when i was done, so i didn't take the facade all the way.
I was high enough up to where my ears felt like popping and the air was getting thinner. On 91 South in Deerfield, I could somehow make out the buildings in Springfield.
In the one day I rented it, i drove where i normally drove, and had to put $12 in the gas tank.
I don't see the practicality of a truck being so high off of the ground and yet still having the ability to haul cargo.
The dashboard computer was busy and distracting.
My overall grade for this king o' the road: D+
I have nothing against trucks as i've owned two of them. This thing is everything that is wrong with the automotive industry in america: it's big, loud and always thirsty. This goes beyond being a truck and enters a branded lifestyle of fake machismo excess and an 'i don't give a fuck, get out of my way' fake preening attitude that frankly shouldn't fly in the year 2011.
It was just way too much for me and i'm happy i didn't take someone or something out while i was experiencing being' Ram Tough.'
This truck was just a toy, an accesory. Terri's dad has a massive truck with dual tires in back. Why? because he has horses and a farm. it doesn't have chrome bumpers or six cup holders.
Anyway, i have my 2001 Subaru Legacy back and feel a lot better at getting 28 miles to the gallon instead of 17.
I don't like big trucks. If you didn't already understands where i was coming from.
Other notes:
This is the first blog i wrote on the new laptop Terri bought for a really great price. It's a re-certified Toshiba L675 Satellite and it's 4gigs of sweet love.
The site we went to is: newegg.com
And we're taking care of our friend's dog Jasper for the week while they are on holiday.
By the way, my mechanic, Mark, is the best i've ever gone to. He is great all the way around and really fair in his work and prices:
Just thought i'd let you know.
'You are not what you own.'-Fugazi
Title quote from a bumper sticker on a giant truck we parked behind at the Hadley Flea Market.
Photo from the googles.